un blog despre orice
Ghinduta e o scumpete/are insa o ureche/ de strengar fara pereche! :)))
Jucaus catelul :)
Too cute! How old is the puppy? Will he get bigger?
thank you deborah, i think it has 1month then.i can't wait to see it in the christmas holidays
micul print:))
nice pic with the blog.
ce cute e catelusul :X
dungha multumesc:)mica printesa:))
thank you cchabi
ai un fotomodel pe cinste...deja stie cand este fotografiat!
:))si ii si place
Atat de frumusel... Vreau si eu sa ma joc cu el:(
ti-l imprumut cu mare drag
This dog has really pretty eyes. Thank you.
thank you ruma
Doamne, cat e de dulce... tot ce e mic e dragalas... are niste ochi atat de naivi si inocenti... :X
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16 comentarii:
Ghinduta e o scumpete/are insa o ureche/ de strengar fara pereche! :)))
Jucaus catelul :)
Too cute! How old is the puppy? Will he get bigger?
thank you deborah, i think it has 1month then.i can't wait to see it in the christmas holidays
micul print:))
nice pic with the blog.
ce cute e catelusul :X
dungha multumesc:)mica printesa:))
thank you cchabi
ai un fotomodel pe cinste...deja stie cand este fotografiat!
:))si ii si place
Atat de frumusel... Vreau si eu sa ma joc cu el:(
ti-l imprumut cu mare drag
This dog has really pretty eyes.
Thank you.
thank you ruma
Doamne, cat e de dulce... tot ce e mic e dragalas... are niste ochi atat de naivi si inocenti... :X
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