What a beautiful blog!! So much fun taking a ride through your blog. I would suggest to add a translator so than i can enjoy it more. Thanks for sharing.
La mine in familie e traditie deja cu aceste turtite. Mama mea ne facea , eu le-am facut copiilor mei si acum le fac si nepoteilor si le place multttt. Dumnezeu s-o binecuvanteze pe bunicuta ta, si mainile ei! Te pup Fluturasule!
I thought your pictures are great.Are you the photographer? If so you are very talented. It is easier to make an interesting picture from something spectular but to make spectular picture from simple things is true talent. I enjoyed it very much and look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
26 de comentarii:
Ehe, mâinile magice ale mămăiţei... Vreau şi eu o turtiţă!
cu mare placere, eu abia astept sa le mananc cand ajung la bunica
WOW, I wonder what she is making. The little girl is adorable! Nice pictures~ Thank you
It looks very delicious.
Thank you.
Fluturas,m-ai dat gata cu seria asta,mi-a mers la suflet.Imi aminteste de copilarie si de bunici ,care din pacate nu mai sunt.Mi-e dor de ei...
What a beautiful blog!!
So much fun taking a ride through your blog. I would suggest to add a translator so than i can enjoy it more.
Thanks for sharing.
La mine in familie e traditie deja cu aceste turtite. Mama mea ne facea , eu le-am facut copiilor mei si acum le fac si nepoteilor si le place multttt.
Dumnezeu s-o binecuvanteze pe bunicuta ta, si mainile ei! Te pup Fluturasule!
thank you deborah, it is like a bread:)
thank you ruma
multumesc frumos lucian:)
thank you sishir:)i promise i'll try to put the title in english too
va multumesc doamna elena.va imbratisez cu mare drag si va pup
Mmmmm. Ce bine arata !
Las manos ancianas de una anciana mujer. Cuanta sabiduría encierran, verdad?
Saludos y un abrazo
lovely pics of the trail from flour to this variant of the bread....looks nice!
multumesc petru
thank you hyperion
thank you flying stars
si mie mi-e dor de buna...si de covata...
va multumesc pentru comentariu
Mi s-a facut pofta :D (faine pozele)
iti opresc:P imi dai adresa si ti trimit:P
Asta-i cea mai buna paine
nu te pot contrazice:)
I thought your pictures are great.Are you the photographer? If so you are very talented. It is easier to make an interesting picture from something spectular but to make spectular picture from simple things is true talent. I enjoyed it very much and look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
carl: thank you very much carl, for your words:)i made the photos,and i am glade you like it
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